Title: One More Tomorrow
Author: Calliatra
Rating: FR13
Category: Gen
Pairing: Implied Gibbs/Jenny
Character(s): Jenny, (Ducky)
Genre: Character Study, Angst
Words: 1,560
Warnings: Implied imminent character death
Spoilers: Second half of Season 5
Disclaimer: All recognizable NCIS characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: ‘She set her pen to the paper, but no words would come. She had no well-rationalized reasons for leaving him this time, no explanations to offer, nothing she could apologize for.’ Jenny, right before the events of Judgment Day. Written for the If Today Was Your Last Day Challenge at NFA.
Dear Jethro,