[Drabble] Infatuated & The sweetest Goodbye | PG

Apr 29, 2010 09:21

TITLE: Infatuated
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Trent Kort, Jenny Shepard
GENRE: Gen, pre-het, episode tag for 4.23 'Trojan Horse'
SUMMARY: Kort was sure, his mission would be easy, but as soon as he enters the car, he realizes that this is the hardest thing he has ever done in his life ... Written for prompt #17 "Sweet" for drabble123 and challenge #084 "The five senses" for ncisdrabble100.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.

Here@my journal.

TITLE: The sweetest Goodbye
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Trent Kort,
GENRE: Gen, pre-het, episode tag for 4.23 'Trojan Horse'
SUMMARY: Jenny had been called my names in her life, before one of them, suddenly, changed everything ... Prequel/Sequel to "Infatuated" (but can stand alone) Written for prompt #05 "Endearments" for drabble123 and challenge #084 "The five senses" (sound) for ncisdrabble100.
WARNINGS: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.

Here@my journal.

genre: episode tag, genre: general, rating: pg (k+), pairing: jenny_kort, artist: nicis_anatomy, category: gen, fanart: drabble

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