[Oneshot] I've Got You

Apr 13, 2010 17:38

TITLE: I've Got You
AUTHOR: marciafan
CHARACTERS: Ziva David, Jenny Shepard
GENRE: Drama, Angst, Friendship
SUMMARY: A short take on what happened in Cairo, seen through Ziva's eyes. Jiva pre-slash/friendship, with a slight Jibbs undertone. Pre-series. Written for prompts #54 'Gun' and #64 'Knife' of challenge #11 @ madame_director
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first venture into the Jiva world. I've been a Jiva shipper for as long as I've been a Jibbs shipper, but never wrote anything that was as likely to be Jiva pre-slash as this is. Still, this can surely be read as Jiva friendship too. And it has a Jibbs undertone, I guess, because I just couldn't help myself.
On this story, I decided to give a try to a new writing style. I don't exactly know why writing from Ziva's point of view always makes me want to try new things. So I hope you will approach this with a critical eye and tell me your honest impressions on both storyline and style.
Also, I am not entirely sure I got the characterization right, I have close to no experience at all in writing Ziva, but I hope you can forgive me if I went OOC on her.
Last time I checked, English still wasn't my first language, and this was not beta'd, therefore all grammar mistakes in it belong to me (and Word).
Oh, and this is related to my drabble 'Scarred'. Can be seen as a companion piece, if you'd rather.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters (except for Brian), nor am I making money out of this. If I were, I'd be rich by now.

Here @ my journal

rating: pg-13 (t), prompt #11 'april10', genre: angst, fanart: oneshot, category: gen, genre: drama, artist: marciafan, genre: friendship, pairing: jenny_ziva

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