artist statement spring 2005

May 19, 2005 15:23

My work has developed around the issue of man-nature interactions, including reciprocal determinism, eco-feminism, and human impact on the environment. I have portrayed these issues throughout all of my works in fibers, drawing, illustration and painting. For painting, I strive to use hybridizations of meaningful images and colors, reframing situational elements. Images then become metaphors for something else being referenced. I use media based iconic imagery or styles, as I see that audiences today relate better to this information and will perhaps take it more personally when they see it out of context. Issues of accessibility concern me, so my materials are relative to the general public. The use of denim as a canvas implies the working class citizen, helping to identify with a particular group. They reference poster art, although functioning in an untraditional sense, sometimes with direct messaging and sometimes for the "futile" cause of directing viewer attension to a simple luxury: beauty in nature. Through my work and its distrobution I would like to test the consumerist mindset that life’s fulfillment can be found in a package, and thus I am looking for a channel that opens my art to a community and not a patriarchic institution.
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