Feb 10, 2007 22:03
Oh good lord. Would you look at this place? I haven't updated in yonks, and I rather feel it's because I've outgrown this thing. I may very well make a new livejournal, but for now I'll keep an eye on ye olde friendz page.
I suppose while I'm here I might as well say a few things. Um. Uni rocks. Any institution where I'm told I actually have to watch Mock the Week and Have I Got News For You? as preperation for a discussion group on satire in the tragic genre has GOT to rock, hasn't it? Um. WLiiA and facebook are still eating away at my 'degree'. Yes, inverted quotation mark thingees around degree because I haven't actually done any essays in the past four weeks.
My lovelife is in crisis mode, but it really shouldn't. As Pearl once said: "You'd think two lovers would be twice the fun, but no it's tearing me apart." Who said Starlight Express lyrics were pointless? Step up to the line, sir.
Um, um... jam, potatoes and haddocks. And other assorted nouns.
"Hello, goodbye, cheese," as a certain Comedy Store Player would say. Find me on facebook, it's much more productive.
ps. Will someone point me in the direction of that uber-sekrit code that friendslocks all your old entries in one fell swoop?