Still no pictures of the Yukon or Alaska, but I figured I was nonetheless overdue. Besides, stuff's been happening, and that seemed worth talking about.
First thing out of the way: Coming home! I fly in on Wednesday the 22nd, I think getting in at 10:40am or something, and I'll leave around 5:30pm or so on Saturday the 1st. I decided to fly out part way through the week instead of on the weekend because the office is only closed the week between Christmas and New Year's, and technically I used up all my vacation time on my trip up north. I mean, I can take off as much time as I feel like not getting paid for, but we go back into production in January and I did not want to flake out at a time when my presence might be of use to someone.
That taken care of, it's been a busy month. Much of it was spent seeing off Anna, who's now gone off to Spain for her post-doc in complicated physics things most of us could not begin to understand. :) And I GM'd my first game, which was pretty enjoyable.
Also went to the animation festival this month, which had its moments. Including this one: Dancing statues make me happy, for some reason.
I had wanted to do up a sweet Hally-ween costume this year, but after a full month of not having a single free weekend, I eventually conceded that this was not feasible, and that made the latter part of this month much more managable. I actually got real cleaning done, no less, for the first time in about six months...
Guess what I get for my birthday this year? Daylight savings time! I realized this today and it made me happier than it should have. Having an extra hour for your birthday is awesome, and makes me think I should go out and do something zany the night before just because I CAN. Of course, knowing me I will be too sleepy to process by, like, 12:30. But STILL.
Goals for November? Keep the cleanliness levels of my place reasonably well-maintained. Perhaps finally watch the last season of Lost. Think about Christmas-y things.