Apr 02, 2009 08:46
Wow, I haven't posted since Janruary...
Soooooo, I'm a busy person these days. I now long for my boring ass teenage years where I would just go home and avoid doing my homework. Now I barely have time for homework let alone time to avoid doing it.
I had to drop my salsa class for the next term because I have to make room in my week for the PRIA student challenge. It makes me a little sad but I've been wanting to do the challenge since I was a wee little first year. I would love to win but my main goal is to at least get my team to place in the top 3.
PR society is driving me a bit batty, I'm not only the treasurer, I'm the newletter editor, the event flyer and invitation designer, the thank you gift buyer, the venue setter-upper. Hmmm, it all seems like I'm a treasurer AND an event organiser. This shouldn't be happening as we already have TWO event organisers. They're lovely girls but I really want them to just get up and do it for themselves. I am merely there for support. At any rate, we had an industry night on Tuesday and it was great fun. I've never been to one before but apparently it was the best they've ever had! So, I'm glad.
Internship is going swimmingly, that's pretty much the only word I use to describe it. It's just going along. I enjoy it most of the time.
In theory I should be driving to my internship around now to proof reead a big ass document of rather heavy academic writing. But I'm a bit exhausted right now.
I've decided to cut down on the amount of meat that I eat. After writing a fake media release for PR Practice about the benefits of meat reducing/vegetarianism I've decided that I cannot possibly justify eating something that requires 50,000 litres of water to produce just one kilogram of. Plus, at the same time that I was writing the media release I was reading a book by the fantastic philosopher/ethicist, Peter Singer, called The Ethics of what we Eat. I took it as a sign from the universe that if I was ever going to stop eating meat (again) it would be now.
So far, I've been pretty successful. I've only had two meat based meals since I started to do this about a month ago. I've not noticed much of a difference. However, eating vegetarian sausages and bacon and burgers wasn't so much fun until I found a really decent brand in the Yarralumla IGA. It is rather daunting to think that everytime I want this product I need to drive all the way out to Yarralumla but since it is just down the road from my internship it hasn't been much of a problem thus far.
I'm sure I've got a lot more to report. But I should get out of bed and get my day started. There's far too much to do and I'm freaking myself out just thinking about it.
Also, does anyone have any handy tips on writing for selection criteria? (Goddamn graduate programs)