(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 19:40

went out on errands with katie tonight and it was fun, for the most part.

OMG when we got onto college after filling up katies car i see WESLEY'S CIVIC! omg i never take college, but EVERY TIME I DO i see his car. and i just happen to notice cody tingle is in the car too. heh. well we never pulled up even with them, and i notice they weren't turning onto the interstate so i was like....ummmm, where are they going if not back to gtown. oh well.

so we go to the mall. and actually we saw SO many people we knew. we actually saw JIM (yes sarah, jim) and said hi and i hugged him. he was on the phone, so it didn't make me feel so bad when i COMPLETELY turned away from him when WESLEY! YES WESLEY came up and hugged me!??!??! i died. and he shaved his head and now has this terrible little weird extra cut on top of his head, lol. oh and i smelled smoke....er. lol. BUT! we chatted for a while and it was FAB! and then we went on, and actually saw paul!! i knew he'd be there and i told him we might see him, and we did. and ha he almost walked RIGHT past us. we got his attention actually. but then i wouldn't let him stay with us b/c i was actually shopping for him, heh. then later we ran into some ztas. well...i say "some," i think we ran into the whole entire flock. we stuck with susan and a girl named ainsley i believe until we left. we went to walmart on college and actually saw NOBODY we knew. amazing, i know. we ate at chilli's and it was yum and i've got more than half of it to bring home.

and now i'm back. going home in a while after i pack and whatnot. so night to all!
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