Left to do, listed by priority:
- 3-5 page report on 90 Days ay EMI (Maximum 3 hours to include direct quotes and proper MLA citation, which is not necessary but I'll do it anyway.)
- 2 journal entries (1 hour max)
- 4 discussion questions on Fast Food Nation (1hour max)
The last 2 shouldn't take *that* long but I am adding direct quotes MLA cited. Totally doable today. Woke up in the AM, went to dentist, just got home. As a treat for sitting through all the friggin scraping I am allowing myself to off to go hit up the thrift stores with my parents. They are coming to pick me up as I type this. What's awesome.....there's a rad carnitas stand near downtown Ventura which I'll totally nom to in a while. Gotta wait for this floride varnish stuff to settle into my teeth first.
Next appt is next Wednesday.
They will either drill me or yank my wisdom.