- Rock N Roll - How sad is it that on my frist day of school I was made to listen to Alice in Chains, Ted Nuget, System of a Down, Led Zepplin. Wait, that's not sad at all. I can say with certainty "History of Rock and Roll" is going to prove both fun! and Interesting. Our mid-term is comprised of a CD being played and we have to identify the songs, artist, year they came out. I'm not sure if that's it or what. We're given a track list and CD of the songs to study and sadly some people have never heard of some of the artists. REALLY? How could you never hear of Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, Buffalo Springfield, Bo Diddly etc. It delves back into the 1930's blues but still. If you know even a little you should know these names. Yesterday we got to learn about where blues started, what they songs were about, about the culture,the orgins, the instruments etc......FUN!
- Math - ....and after the syllabus read we were off like a prom dress! All I can say is thank God I got an A last term. I don't ever recall a class jumping in as quickly as we did. Next thing you know were recalling formulas and crap. I had a few cob webs in the brain canal but I was able to recall things soon. The next math class we keep rollin on and covered 2 sections after finishing off the first section at the beginning of class. It makes sense but then again my brain can compute. There's an awesome new bonus in our math class, no quizzes - 7 math tests - if you score 90%+ on each test you are excused from the final. I am aiming for that!!!!
- English - I finished my english on the first day of class for this week. Check this out, there's an anon forum! I lol'ed.
- Interpersonal Relationships - That was last night. Man, were we debating! And I showed my leet Experimental psychology skillz when a lady said when she got stressed she got back aches, I threw out the corellation issues with making a statment. The teacher said, "touche" and explained in simple terms what I was saying and she began to question which causes which. It was good times, mostly the teacher called on me, this older mexican lady, the young blonde girl next to me, and this older man & lady that sat up front to respond to other peoples statments. The whole topic was "The Paradox of Progress" which is always fun to debate.
And now I'm staring down 2 sections of math homework, reading the first chapter of my psych book, reading the first chapter of music book. The chapters aren't small either. Speaking of which, I should probably go start math. I am so lucky to have such a supportive fiance. I come home, he has foods read - or asks me what I want for foods, he cleaned yesterday and did laundry...*swoon*
Booking it across the campus with a friggin heavy backpack is not fun. I'm mad I paid for a parking pass yet it would be closer if I parked on the street! *huff* Whatever!!! Ok ok stop procrastinating....on to homework.
OH! If you've never heard "B.O.B" by Outkast Ft Zach De La Rocha (yes, it's a remix) hit up my myspace player. It's towards the bottom of the list. I love this version. Ok, now homework..