Dec 04, 2006 20:53
For the past three class meetings there has been a cricket in my math classroom. Which makes math class really fun, because all of a sudden in the middle of talking about linear algebra there's a cricket chirping and no one can see where it came from. Math Friend Toni commented that it makes math more fun because it sounds like math is going camping, and i wholeheartedly agree. So today we spent some of class "stargazing" (aka looking at the holes in the ceiling) and I even saw a shooting star! Well actually it was just a spider on the ceiling. And we also listened to the babbling brook, aka the people talking right outside of class. And we even hear a coyote howl! It was actually just a guy in the back of class who yawns really loudly every 5 minutes. But let's face it, it's fun to pretend that math class = camping.
On another note, since I've read every John Grisham novel at least twice, I have now moved on to reading David Baldacci and Michael Connelly novels, which are almost the same. Except that these two authors have something that John Grisham doesn't - their villains are always these smart, silent, savvy killers that always are one step ahead of the main characters and kill people so easily without remorse and can blend into any crowd. And I always read the books before bed and then try to go to sleep. AND THEN I can never fall asleep because I worry that these killers are always hiding in my closet or under the bed just waiting to get me. And then I can't fall asleep until really late! Why do I still act like an 8 year old boy? So sad. But I do remember rereading Jurassic Park a couple years back and not being able to fall asleep afterwards because I was convinced raptors were waiting outside. Anyways no more scary books at nighttime for me.