Every 18 minutes in the U.S., someone dies by suicide. This July men and women will come to Chicago from all over the country to do something bold in the face of this fact. They will walk together 20 miles through the night, from dusk until dawn.
It's called the Out of the Darkness Overnight and it's designed to help shed light on the issue of suicide. We're bringing together friends, family members and loved ones whose lives have been touched by suicide or depression, giving them a voice to issues that have previously been kept in silence.
Each walker agrees to raise at least $1000 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). Net proceeds will fund research, education, survivor and awareness programs - both to prevent suicide and to assist those affected by suicide.
I attemped suicide on April 16, 2004, and I'm still struggling with my mental illness. I am participating in Out of the Darkness to raise awareness and possibly help someone in a similar situation as I was and still am. I am walking in honor of everyone who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, in honor of everyone who has contemplated suicide, attempted suicide, and committed suicide. For me. For them. For you.
Donate now or join my team,
borderline. And please help spread the word.