Album Review: "No, Virginia"

May 26, 2008 08:59

Bought the new Dresden Dolls album, "No Virginia" the other day. It cost me nearly twice as much as "Yes, Viginia," and is less than half as good. It's ok, but has nothing that really catches you. There is no equal to Coin Operated Boy, Sing, or even Bank of Boston Beauty Queen. Half of it is just songs that weren't good enough to make it onto "Yes, Virginia", and the other half are songs cranked out in two days of recording fresh off the tour bus. That's what it is and that's what it sounds like. *shrug* Their usual cut-loose and have wacky fun attitude isn't really there, nor is their dedication to crafting works of dark truth and beauty. They feel tired. Still good, just tired. Actually, Pretty in Pink is godawful and Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner is kind of catchy, but just as icky/creepy as it sounds so it kinda counteracts any fun you might've had with it. The Kill is pretty good though, in that the intro sounds like it belongs in a movie soundtrack. Night Reconnaissance is kinda fun too. Anyway, if you're a Dresden Dolls fanboy like me and believe in supporting artists, go ahead and pick it up. If you're only moderately interested then pick up some of their old stuff instead (especially Yes, Virginia. From the songs to the album art, it's a work of art on the part of fans and the band alike. Truly representative of what Brechtian punk rock cabaret is all about).


Got my tax return today. They didn't take anything out for lateness. I'll probably get a bill for that later, but for now I'll be able to start saving. It's a relief to have some backup money, even if it's just a tiny amount.

Had our first weekly OPC meeting this weekend. I've gotten two new sections written for my game. I've found some willing playtesters. I also got some art back from the colorist and it looks good. Productive weekend. Oh yeah, helped Laura move as well.


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