Despite this week being The Week for RPG I played only Wednesday - Thursday I fell asleep on my character sheet and today's game was canceled.
The latter might be a permanent thing, since the GM has been ...ehm..less than enthusiastic. Woe.
I discovered yesterday that the local dumping ground has been closed, due to maltenance*. Which means that the waste produced by many, many thousands of people is now...without a dumping place? Fail, FAIL so more massive since there have been talks of an incinerator for, oh, about a decade, since we're terribly short of space.
In case you didn't know, italian politics have reached new depths of FAIL!
For those (lucky ones!) not in the know, soon there will be local elections in a few key regions. One of the main political players, the
PDL, failed to present its list of candidates by law term -out of the time-limit & not-compliant with law-terms- in two of them, probably the most important ones: Lazio (know where Rome lies?) & Lombardy (hello, Milan!).
The reasons for this delay are of no immediate interest**, the reactions, however, not so: they complained. Loudly. Mentioning conspiracies.
End result? They got a law approved which offers a "correct interpretation" of electoral laws, thus enabling the PDL to run for those elections.
Allow me to repeat it:
They got a law to get around electoral laws.
In a (supposedly) 1st world country.
The FAIL, it is beyond my speech-abilities to describe it.
In more personal whiny-ness, I've left the flat in Mestre for good - there are still many items to be retrieved, but I'm living in Prettyland for good.
I already miss the flat-mates. :(
*basically, the leachate was thrown back into the dumping grounds, while the grounds themselves were not impermeabilized/their impermeabilization degraded & wasn't re-made. There's contamination in a nearby stream, contamination of the groundwater is not confirmed.
**Backstabbing. In Lazio they re-worked the candidate list after the last-minute, in order to arrange better the "friends" and the "casual allies", whereas in Lombardy they dumped rearranged the positioning of influent allies, who reciprocated the favour with irregular signatures on a much-needed list.