Now, there are a lot of blogs out there who are more than happy to point out all the wrong turns taken during the PD electoral campaign. Which brings me to the question: If all those turns had been non-wrong, could we have been spared another time under Berlusconi? know, I don't think so.
Let me speak as call-center girl, as part of the dumb demographic, as resident of this damned North-East which has given a local 10 to 29% to the Lega:
Italians, by and large, do not want to think, to cross-check the electoral program and see what's feasible and what isn't, to confront the hard, unfashionable facts that are the outcome of politics. They want reassurance, a mommy (or a sugar daddy) telling them how cool, brave and righteous they are and taking everything in her (his) hands with reassuring noises. That this leads to a government which sees no reason to behave like a..well..a responsible, or even functioning government isn't a thought crossing their little minds.*
If a politician came out and said "Italy has ( WE HAVE) tot income, tot expenses and can afford tot" italians might die of the sheer amazement that someone could be so brash, so callous to bring real facts into the discourse: where are the pretty words and why is someone not wooing them?What happened to chocolate,flowers and promises?
For large numbers of italians the question "For whom shall I cast my vote?" doesn't even exist, as they've always voted one side and they're going to continue so, regardless of performances. Attention please! This isn't, for most, a conscious choice: they (provincial youths ) especially just don't know for whom to vote and cast accordingly to the
dog-whistle, in this case (Lega Nord) a combination of "we're being exploited", "less immigrants=more safety", "less immigrants=more jobs for italians". Sounds dumb? That's why I said dumb demographic!**
Oh, well, let's see what comes next. Who wants to bet on a presidential coup d'etat?
*except when something that said non-functioning government makes ruins their tran-tran. Which causes great noises of shock and a great deal of "politicians aren't like us good folk" talk, before election time comes and they get to vote (for the same people).
**in fact, I could have said illiterate -in the "I don't know what this piece of writing means" sense- demographic. My bad. Of course, when a(few) generation(s) of illiterates pretend they're, in fact, very literate this could be constructed as a case of dumb.