May 03, 2006 02:14
There are just too many damn old farts in this school I go to in Cerritos. They need to get some nooky. This crotchety old grey haired hag had to have a go at me after I announced that I had brought a giant tray filled with chocolate chip cookies. I thought it would be nice for Tiffany's class since she gave me my two certficates today to kind of celebrate my achievement. I was supposed to get the certificates last week but they had to put it off because the administration office was too busy.
Nobody seemed interested in the cookies I brought except for my friend who is a cool biker chick with red hair just like mine. She was glad I brought them. I'll still see her during break but I will have some new classes now.
That old hag was just telling me everything she knew about life but "I didn't". She was too nosey asking me personal questions but I played along with her till she wore out. She got mad because I didn't watch out for her mistakes and help her. I'd help her allright. I could have told her to naff off. Since I liked Tiffany's class and got on well with everyone until that fine cheerful day, I thought I'd be a good girl. Old hag thinks I'm too loud and obnoxious. I think old hag needs to get a life and she should go to Cypress College to see how they behave. Jackie says that I make the same kind of jokes that her math teacher makes. He and I would get along great. They seem to like to laugh there. Old BC School seems to be too serious for me like a funeral. It's like a funeral there really, half the people there look like they live in a coffin. Miserable old gits they are.