Fantasy time

May 17, 2012 19:33

So, super-belatedly, I noticed that the kitchen at Rufus' cabin is visible from the bedroom/living area, and that the bedroom/living area also has a sweet stone fireplace in it. Look at the chair there, pulled up to the bed. Perfect for watching over a sickie-Dean from, no?

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supernatural, hurt!sick!dean

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Comments 14

tifaching May 18 2012, 00:55:23 UTC
I see Sam tucking feverish Dean into bed and then settling down in front of the fire to read to him from the collection of Dr. Seuss books that had been at the cabin since Rufus was little.


mad_server May 18 2012, 02:04:35 UTC

♥ ♥ ♥

Dean does not like green eggs and ham, Sam-I-am.


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tifaching May 18 2012, 02:59:08 UTC
YES, YES, YES. Also, One Fish, Two Fish is my favorite Dr. Seuss book ever.


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mad_server May 18 2012, 03:32:49 UTC
Doesn't it look cozy and intimate up there with that lamp?

Ooh, if he's sweaty then maybe he's queasy and getting weak in the knees and about to faceplant in a flannel wall of sasquatch-chest.


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mad_server May 18 2012, 15:32:18 UTC
Definitely sweat. There's forehead-feeling in his future.

Okay, now I want there to be a banjo kicking around the cabin, and for Sam to sit in the chair and play Dean quiet bluegrass versions of Led Zeppelin and Kansas.


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