Oct 23, 2005 18:02
Well thats right. I, for the time being, am working with Ski/Sig/Zig (w/e people decide to call him) at his booth in the Flea Market. I'm mostly there to keep an eye out for shop lifters, because as it gets colder more people come in and with big coats on they are more likely to get away with stealing so he needs another set of eyes to help out. Its a cool job, Saturday and Sunday 12-4 typically. Nice and warm inside. Good selection of music around all day... and not just the same soundtrack either! People walking by to talk to and all that razamajazz too! I get to help putting crap away and finding it for people right now... but soon I'll be selling stuff too, I just gotta learn all the deals first because its a bit early for me to actually be selling stuff cause I'd have no clue what to do and I'd mess up his whole organized routine and what not so yeah!
Anyways this weekend has been kinda slow... Though yesterday I ended up going and seeing Serenity at Rainbow! Good thing Nicole was online because without her I wouldn't have even realized it was a choice to go see... and it was the best choice at that! So yeah it only was me Curtis and Shawn who went to see it... but thats ok because we at least got to do something finally cause I haven't got to hang out with those 2 in a while. Oh and Nicole is my awesome friend I met online recently and not one you might know from London so anybody wondering who I was talking about no worries cause you almost definately don't know her anyways... I'm hogging her awesomeness all to myself... that and I don't need my friends to scare someone I just met away already lol :P
Anyways so yep! I'm not sure what else I was gonna write... thoug I wasn't sure in the first place what I was gonna write I just kinda wing it when I write any of this kind of stuff heh.
Oh yeah I twas wondering if it would at all be possible to get a group of people willing to all go see a movie this week ahead of us. Because there is some cool movies out there that I wouldn't mind seeing and we haven't done one of those group movie things in a while so whacha all think about it? So yeah get back to me about that I'll also be sure to ask at school cause there is people there who don't read these things too.
So yep cyas all around and all thet other razamajazz too remember that!