Checking in

Oct 10, 2010 21:35

It's been hard to get up the motivation to blog lately. Everything that pops into my head tends to be the long, essay-like rambles that take five drafts to complete and I just don't have time to write those. Then I'm not in the mood to write about less complicated matters, like homework or how fucking hot it is for October.

I think this is the hardest semester for me, in terms of workload. Fiction classes were bad for my mental health, but at least the homework was insanely easy to bullshit. CSS is less easy to jam out in five minutes, especially when a typo makes the whole thing fall apart. While I'm pretty good at bullshitting papers, the ones assigned this time are... so damn vague I don't know what to do with them. Not to mention, most of the readings have been so freaking slow. My history book takes me a full hour to read one chapter and we had to read the whole thing in two weeks. Yeah, it's one of those semesters where half my teachers fail to acknowledge that their students might maybe sorta have a life outside of this one single class.

My programming class, insanely enough, is probably being the easiest on me. I think I have a handle on programming or something. Last semester, everyone was asking me if I'd done it before (I had not). This semester, I was the only person who didn't have their homework dissected by the teacher (out of the people who handed in homework at all). The teacher is also one of the best teachers I've had, probably in the top three. I wish I could have a whole semester of awesome teachers someday. Instead I have one awesome, two okay, and two iffy teachers.

I'm tired. Really, really tired of not having time to juggle sleep, homework, social life, and keeping my apartment remotely clean.
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