Remember: Just because you find it offensive doesn't mean the population needs protected from it

Apr 29, 2010 08:09

People need to get their freakin' priorities straight.

Woman tries to ban Bone vol. 4 from her library because it contains cigars, alcohol, gambling, and (almost non-existent) sexual situations.

Really, lady? Really? Your problem is that Phoney (the notoriously corrupt character kids are probably not supposed to relate to) makes bets in a botched attempt to scam people? That Smiley smokes a cigar? That adults drink alcohol?

See, I would be a tad more concerned with the terrifying cloaked figure that carries around a scythe and tries to kill people. Or the rat creatures with long sharp fangs that try to eat cute little woodland creatures (and sometimes succeed). Or the scene where a character has his tongue ripped out. "You know! For kids!"

Outright banning a book, especially one as tame as Bone, is absolutely ridiculous in the first place. If you have a problem with the content, don't let your kid read it. However, if you find it your destiny to ban books no one else finds offensive, at least focus on the subjects that might actually scar kids. I don't know about you, but I had nightmares anytime I saw a cartoon smoke! And then I went and bought a pack of Budweiser! BECAUSE THAT'S HOW KIDS WORK, RIGHT?

I honestly don't know how Bone didn't terrify me as a child -- although Disney Adventures cutting out the scariest scene with the hooded figure might've helped -- but it didn't. Even if what I read hadn't been censored, I watched Bugs Bunny and The Simpsons as a child -- the latter is definitely more "harmful" than Bone. After growing up under these influences, I have never smoked anything in my life and the only alcohol I've had was a sip on New Year's. Oh, and the only "gambling" I ever did was those claw machines, but I won a lot.

You can tell how scarred and messed up I am, thanks to reading/watching "adult" stuff with booze and smokes. I don't fit in with the rest of the college kids at all!

rants, comics

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