Sep 04, 2007 16:06
( Private - Very Difficult to Hack)
Updated List of Things to Do:
1.) Find a suitable place to live in, preferably a large, isolated building
2.) Find some suitable food and drink, I suppose
3.) Get acquainted with people and make a few allies
a.) NOTE: Some are valuable, some are negligible and others are nuisances that must be disposed of in time
4.) Find suitable materials for equipment and potions
a.) NOTE: Making slow but steady progress.
5.) Learn everything I can about this domain, no matter how trivial the detail
a.) We are here to repent for our sins
b.) We cannot leave until we have done so
c.) The gods either bless us with food and drink or play ridiculous pranks on us, all according to their whims.
d.) Magic is completely sealed off - for now
e.) People arrive here from various realities and worlds
f.) Some are guilty of less serious sins than others
g.) More to learn ...
6.) Find test subjects for my experiments
7.) Find a way to use magic again
8.) Find a way out of here that is not deemed proper by the gods
9.) Become a god again, destroy all other gods and subjugate all living beings beneath me
10.) Make Lenneth mine
It is still too early to begin to smell the sweet scent of success but if things continue to fall into my lap , it should be only a matter of time.
If anyone has anything that they do not want or cannot use I will gladly exchange some extra food for what you may have. Just please let me know what you do have first.