September 4.1 "Trees"

Sep 21, 2010 14:16

One thing that could be said about the Petrellis was that they were all stubborn. Even as young as he was, Peter could hold onto an idea and refuse to let go no matter how many times his father denied him. This was something the boy desperately wanted but unlike with his puppy, Peter couldn’t depend on Santa to give it to him. This was something his father had to give.

Most kids had tree houses, but that wasn’t why Peter wanted one. He didn’t even bother using that as a reason since he knew his father would come back with “If the other kids did this-and-this, would you do it too?” The real reason Peter wanted a tree house was because of Peter Pan.

From the first time he heard the story Peter idolized Pan. The boy who didn’t grow up. Peter Pan had amazing adventures in a magical world; he could fly and fought pirates along with his Lost Boys. And where did Peter Pan live? In a tree house, inside an actual tree. Of course Peter knew he couldn’t hope for anything like that, but he could get incredibly close with a house built in the branches of a tree.

Peter begged and pleaded until finally his father agreed to have it built. Peter hovered nearby eagerly helping with whatever was needed. He went around with his toy sword, already playing the part of Peter Pan.

Then it was finally finished. Peter stood inside with his Lost Boys and Izzy. So far Peter hadn’t found a Wendy but then, the real Peter Pan probably had to go into a lot of open windows before finding his Wendy. He had a place for her to stay, and that was a good start.

Even if it was in a tree.

Muse: Peter Petrelli
Fandom: Heroes
WC: 301

muse: peter petrelli, fandom: heroes, journal: spongetastic

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