bad rap and christmas cheer

Dec 20, 2005 20:17

So I caved, and i shaved, 'though i knew it was obvious
cause it itched, and i twitched, hated lookin' like a slob i guess
So i failed at my attempt of letting a beard grow,
once again i had no will power, and i let the idea go
ah well, no big deal, I'll try again next year,
for the moment i guess that a goatee and sideburns is what i'll wear.

My god isn't this just pathetic
this whole rhyming thing, maybe i just dont' get it.
I should have taken the hint, well, what i'm trying to say,
is that i should just leave the gangsta rap to the notorious P.I.K

I was actually going to try to write this whole entry in a rappish style, but I became very bored.. and admittidly, somewhat frustrated. Hahaha, i guess it really isn't my thing.

So anyways. I may have to put a hold on my fake dreads. First off, Babbitt's girly, Nancy, is stricken Ill. So that kinda puts a delay on it. The second reason, is that i'm still in hopes that I'll recieve a phone call from Resolve for a job interview. Oh, maybe I havn't mentioned that yet. ... I put in a resume where Eliese works. She mentioned that the boss man asked some of the workers if they knew anyone who'd be interested in working temp for the busy season, a few months, from what I understand... and well, they're lookin for three people, so i put my name in.
It would be grand if this worked out. for many reasons. First off, i get to work pretty much along side my lady.. not directed along side.. but pretty damned close, so lunches together and whatnot.. as well as going to work together.. and leaving together.. awwwwww how sweet that would be eh?
Second is that.. i'm guessin' that for that three month period... it would be fulltime hours... and with a decent pay i'm assuming.
The third really cool thing, if it works out is that I would prove myself to be super uber workerman.. and get hired on fulltime! hahaha.. wans't really offered.. and probably isn't an option.. but it would still be really neat.

oh yeah.. the dreads... well Eliese thinks that IF I do get that interview.. I may make a better impression without synthetic dreads in. Ugh, i hate waiting. haha. I've wanted dreads for a while now. ah well.. there's loads of time for that.

so i worked a few shifts this week at LNT... i sucked up my pride and went back when they asked for me... although i wanted to throw the big fuck you while flipping the bird and pissing on thier shoes... but I'm a broke ass..and i can't afford to not work.. and i especially can't afford to buy management new shoes.

Christmas is really soon. And i'm actually excited. I get to spend my first christmas with my lady!!!!! .. i mean.. sure.. going home each year was great.. it's always great to see family and old friends.. but i missed my girly like mad last year.. and well.. i dont' wanna miss her again this year. So a christmas here with her and the kids sounds perfect to me.

I thought it was gonna be shitty (present wise), cause i'm kinda jobless.. but i just used my christmas dough from the 'rents to overspend on her again this year. But it makes me happy to give her a kickin' christmas, and well, it's not as if it wont' be returned ... My darlin' go me a guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a kickin' seafoam green hollowbody. I'll post a good picture of it once i get it!

I ordered a shitload of old punkrock shirts tonight from ebay, nine in total i think. haha. spent 150 bucks. but i have 500 to blow on myself.. so i figure i could use some new shirts. hahahaa.

oh my... i can't wait for christmas. hahahaha
only another five sleeps!!!!!!!

so i'm sure there's a lot more i could say.. but i won't.. i'm gonna do some online quizes.. post them and come to bed.
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