Another Year Behind Me...

Dec 17, 2007 18:42

...and its time for the standard "what did I learn, where am I going" birthday post. Out of pity, I will try and make it as brief and whine-less as humanly possible....perhaps in point form.

1. A certain measure of stability was attained this year, financial and otherwise. It was the first time since before my back issues in 03-04 that I really felt like I was moving forward. I like stability and growth.

2. I learned a lot about how to manage a staff of people. Generally, I am not a good people person as I tend to get too wrapped up in my own issues. However, through a very challenging summer at my ex-job, I had to chill and put the needs of the rest of the team first. It worked out really well...well, unless you count the fact that doing so really pissed off my manager and ultimately led to my departure.

3. And speaking of...I stood up for myself quite well through that situation. I don't regret anything that was said or done, especially considering the situation I'm now in as a result. If you're one to believe in fate, you could say that I had to go through that frustration to get to this point where I really appreciate this current job...there's a purpose in everything.

4. I still haven't made much progress in my whole socialanxiety / fear of people thing. Granted, I haven't really forced myself into any opportunities either. I'm still at my best when I can keep people at e-mail's length.

5. Strangely though, in spite of #4, I'm still making progress in my comedy "career". Each time I go up I feel l little stronger. I am liking how my writing is coming along but I need a lot more practice on my performance skills. I'm quite excited about the possibilities that this move to the city entails.

6. and finally, I think I've made a lot of progress in appreciating where I am now in my life as opposed to comparing myself to everyone else and hating myself for not measuring up. The less I beat up on myself, the freer I am to actually move on. Thats a nice feeling.

So thats it...I'm now year is the big 40....*sigh*
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