A 17 year old girl beats off two muggers with her marching band baton. Hee!
The House passes new hate crime legislation that includes sexual orientation, gender identity and disability, and no longer restricts hate crimes to crimes that occur in the course of specific activities. Representative Lamar Smith, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, is a douche: "[T]his bill undermines one of the most basic principles of our criminal justice system -- 'equal justice for all'....It will allow different penalties to be imposed for the same crime." Clue needed on aisle five, please.
And a
national poll says a narrow majority of Americans favor same-sex civil unions, but they're still sticking on the "marriage" word, and most favor gay adoption an gays in the military. Run with that, Barack! When you're done with your eleventy billion other problems!
Two things I discovered at work today:
1. I am not allowed to make photocopies for the students. The students must make their own photocopies, and pay for them. I can make copies for personal use for free, though.
2. Nobody bothers to tell me when my lessons are canceled for force labor a Subbotnik. Which they do on Thursdays if they live out of town.
All in all, I feel entirely justified in my three-hour nap this afternoon.