Today was long and annoying and does not bear speaking on. Particularly the part where Lucy woke me up at 2 am playing with the garbage.
However, in a quest to find my happy place, have a rec:
i_am_your_spy. Just...everything she's ever written. Now.
Before anyone asks, yes,
lofro, there are men touching. There will pretty much always be men touching. ::turns into Maureen from RENT briefly:: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WOMEN IN LEATHER! ::recovers:: But Spy writes with a depth of characterization that trumps the shippiness, if that makes any sense. Spy writes Rorschach and I actually believe it is Rorschach because no one else can be that...that. I believe that this Dan and this Rorschach have been in and out of contact for twenty years and that this is how they function with one another, to the extent they can be described as functional. I don't quite believe that Laurie would break down like that and then light out for Jupiter with Jon, but you know what, I will accept the premise because it sets up everything else that it awesome.
Also in the Happy Place department, my fourth course, who are back from their practicum and grumpy about it. We ended up playing some Hangman to kill time, and since I saw eggplant for sale yesterday for the first time this year, I used "eggplant" as one of my words. Only none of them, apparently, knew what that was.
Stas's first guess, though? "Chicken farm."
Yes, I hugged him.