(no subject)

Feb 19, 2009 17:55



I don't know where my head is atm. I have energy, but I can't focus on the things that I actually have to DO, like commissioned fic. Instead I just cleaned the kitchen and did pushups. O.o

Yesterday was longer than it had to be because I hung around school for an English club that nobody came to. It did give me an excuse to both nap and grad quizzes, though, and I have to say, I didn't think sentence correction would be so hard for this group of kids. Though it resulted in some awfully creative answers--apparently Mr. Beaver is an agent of the White Witch and "regard" is not an acceptable synonym for "think." A couple of students not only missed every mistake in the section but added new and exciting ones of their own. (And don't think I don't know you're cheating when you and your neighbor make the exact same irrelevant and agrammatical answer. I mean jesus people.)

For reference, this was the kind of sentence I gave them:

The Professor asks the Peter and the Susan, "Who you regard as more honest: Lucy or Edmund"

This is the kind of response I got:

The Professor asked Peter and the Susan, "Who do you think is more onest Lucy or Edmun?


So I have this thing where there hours between 9 and 11 kind of disappear on me. Because I know 9 is a ridiculously early hour to be going to bed (if I'm only getting up around 7 or 8) but somehow whenever I think "I'll just work on one more think and then it'll be a reason hour to start prepping for bed" suddenly the next time I look at the clock it's 11:30. Well, Tuesday night I did that even thought I knew I had to be up at 7 for work, and last night I managed not to do it and get to bet at about 10:45...only to get a phone call from my mom at midnight. And yes, it was urgent, but just...argh. For multiple reasons.

Today was okay, though. Mostly. I just need to concentrate on something.

True fact: the tenge devaluation is also inflating food prices. My preferred brand of juice has gone up 20 tenge already. Luckily I found a suitable substitute, including a new preferred flavor: apple-grape-blueberry. No, seriously. Why don't we have these at Aldi in America?

Also true fact: I had this conversation with my class on Tuesday.

Me: Ilya, you have no poetry in your soul.
Ilya: Huh? Shto znachet "poetry in soul?"
Vlada: "Poetry"--eto "domashnaya ptitsa."
Ilya: Domashnaya ptitsa?
Vlada: Miss Maudlin, what does it mean, "poultry in soul?"
Me: ::flails::


A game: Contraption. It is quite devious and I almost have it beat. (Stuck on "Back and Forth.") It reminds me a little of the old Sodaconstructor site, except of course this has actual objectives and prettier graphics. The fun part is always after winning a level, and going back, and looking at all the saved contraptions that are so much more elegant and efficient than mine. Sigh.

cthulhu fhtagn, work, family, games, weather, linguistics, links

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