Okay, maybe I'm just being stupid about this.
But I recalls, ages ago, reading a wonderful poem in my German textbook. Problem is, I no longer recalled the title or author--just the first line, which is something like "Es gibt kein Platz in mein Traum für dich." Each line removes or changes one word of that sentence, without altering the spacing, until the last line is just, "gibt dich." I've tried Googling, but I just keep getting the lyrics to a song called "Nur Mir," which totally isn't it.
Sound familiar to anyone? Anyone have any ideas for smarter Googling?
Also, baseball game turned out to be a clone of Game 1--Carpenter was good, but he had no run support, because naturally one of the best hitting teams in the league can't produce for crap in the postseason. Suppan doesn't pitch well away, either; looks like Mets in seven on this one.