always in the valley

May 01, 2006 13:30

Let's make a Grand List of Annoyance. Stuff that doesn't actually make you want to go full-tilt STABBITY KILL, but nevertheless bugs yuo and puts a little bit of tarnish on your day. I'll start:

--People using the computer next to yours who smell funny.
--The computer lab monitor who is more concerned with her Facebook profile than the line of people waiting for printouts, despite the fact that babysitting the printer is basically her entire job description.
--Library computers in general, in fact
--Clients who do not seem to fathom that "writing center" != "editing service."
--International students who are in their year of American university and still haven't cottoned on to the idea of citing sources.
--The price of yarn these days. ::sigh::

However, it does seem that the forces of the universe are conspiring to allow me to knit this afternoon, and who am I to contradict the forces of the universe? ::pets the pritty knitting bag::

work, school, craft: knitting, grumpy

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