(no subject)

Sep 14, 2012 23:23

So just for my own satisfaction, I looked up how divorce proceedings work in the UK. Turns out, if it's not contested, it would be remotely possible for the whole thing to be over in 8-10 weeks.

There's three steps to divorce in England and Wales, and only one has an explicit time limit. There's a petition to divorce, a decree nisi (which just says the court sees no reason why divorce can't proceed) and decree absolute (which is the document that actually dissolves the marriage--presumably the thing Amy was signing at the beginning of "Asylum"). According to what I looked up, the decree absolute can be issued no earlier than six weeks and one day after the decree nisi, and that's only if the same person who applied for the nisi applies for the absolute.

Which, coupled with Rory's claim that Amy threw him out, makes me think he was the one who filed the original petition; England and Wales don't have no-fault divorce, from what I've seen, but "unreasonable behavior" is grounds and I'm sure getting kicked out counts. Amy would've had to sign a statement that she's not contesting the petition in order for Rory to get the decree nisi, which again they both sign (which is why when Rory turns up at the beginning of "Asylum" Amy's already declaring that she doesn't have a husband) and then the waiting period.

Now, this is obviously happening in a television universe where there's little or no delay in getting the paperwork filed and waiting on documents to come from the court. Which is why in the Pond Life segments, "July" seems quite happy, but by "August" they're already separated, and "Asylum" in September begins with the decree absolute. 8-10 weeks for the whole process? On TV, sure, why not?

(Flisties based in the UK, feel free to chime in if I've got something wrong up above.

fanwork: meta, fandom: dr. who

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