Apr 26, 2005 02:14
Nearly finished the essay. \o/ It probably would be finished, if I hadn't got distracted and started sketching a B/M scene. D'oh.
Aside from that, football is a terrible sport and should be banned. How long is it 'til cricket season? Or at least the Ashes. In fact, I think I'll start an Ashes countdown. When I can be bothered working it out, that is.
I have to say though, I'm a fan of Baby Travis Cloke's hair. It glows, I swear. Like Woey's skin. Hird better go down for what he did to Shane and Lloyd shouldn't get another free kick for the rest of the year. Fucking diver.
And Alan's back! I'd forgotten how much I love him. <333 Love, love, love.
I was also amused by Neighbours tonight, with Max talking to Boyd about Collingwood. Sorry Max, but lying about Buckley playing and Collingwood winning isn't going to make him come out of a coma. Then again, if I were Boyd and they told me the truth, I wouldn't bother waking up at all. ;) Actually, if I were Boyd in general I wouldn't bother waking up at all. Haha
And what's up with TV stations in this country not having email addresses for queries anymore? Now I actually have to post my complaint about QAF not being shown until 2006. Pffft. In light of recent spoilers, I'm not paying the postage. Guh. The same goes for Cricket Australia. Announce the test dates for next summer, already!
[ETA] I found a site to work out the countdowns for me. XD I am the slackest. 48 days until the first game in England and 86 days until the first Ashes test!