i've got you. to thank.

Jun 21, 2005 10:24

hahahaha oh man.

can i even begin to explain yesterday's events? let's try, shall we? it's a long one, so if you're not in the mood, EFF YOU.

i awoke at 1145am to an empty house, and felt the urge to hangout with sarah, since i never see her anymore. i gave her a buzz and found out soon after she was at the physics regents' review, and would shout me a holler later on. i retreated back downstairs only to find out that i was FAMISHED beyond belief, so i raided the kitchen. no luck of anything remotely edible, or fresh for that matter. AIM was calling my name since i've been out and about almost everyday all day and night, so i sat down to chat with a few people. soon sam's IM popped up...
"is dan over?".
i retorted back with a quick "no, why?". then she says "okay good, i'm kidnapping you. be ready in 15 minutes", and without so much as a goodbye or any indication as to where we were going, she signed off.
i hopped into a pair of jeans, my belt, a tanktop and pink shirt over, did my hurr, slathered on some makeup, and i was ready within 10. i was quite excited to know where we were going, but obviously it wasn't THAT interesting considering, well, we still live in bellmore. yyyyeah. so she arrived with her usual upbeat and nonstop chatter that i love so dearly, and explained herself. she stated that we haven't spent much time together alone as of late, and that she missed that. plus-she needed someone to bring BINS AND CRATES FULL OF RECYCLABLES TO STOP AND SHOP, ahahhahaa. just my luck, ay?
after 20 minutes of shoving bottles and cans through smelly slots and bins at stop and shop, diane and ali schliss arrived in diane's pimp azz minivan. it was awesome. they gave hugs, recycled a few bottles themselves (which was ironic because i was talking to ali right before i had been kidnapped), and left. we then collected our $6.45 (hahah sam) from the customer service girl inside, and made our merry way to the one and only dunkin donuts. we got some long awaited breakfast and parked somewheres around Schmidt's house to eat and relax in the shade, to the tunes of NOW 1. which i must own.

after a half an hour or so of eating and talking, we decided to call the almighty ms. lipman and see what she was up to. she informed us of a pseudo-party at Josh Etingon's house in the good ole SB, so we finished our delectable meal and headed down south.

within the first half hour or so, sam, sarah, tamara, mike, JT, alex, josh, and matt sat at the dining room table drinking and having a great time. as time flew by, Josh played us a little Jack Johnson on his guitar, matt performed something wild and completely off-key for us in the living room, and we put on sarah's cd ULTIMATE DANCE PARTY and had us a good time. alex made me some SSIPS ICED TEA (you have no idea how excited i was that those things STILL EXIST) with Bacardi Coconut, and i had a beer. it was great. 12:45 in the afternoon, hanging out with a bunch of random, dorky, sweetheart guys and a few girls that weren't too shabby either, just drinking having a good time. i can't wait to hangout with all of them again. later on, mikey soneson and shane arrived and joined the party. it was nice. we ended up drinking, talking, reminiscing, looking through yearbooks and comparing things about our schools. it's such a shame that i went to junior high with all of them and hardly knew them except for by face and name.

all i'm gonna say is....John Buzanga.

at 315, sarah dropped me off, only to see dan sitting on my basement steps. i made us some spaghetti and we chilled out in the air conditioning for a whiles before ali got home. before sam, ali, dan, and i went out to Friday's for dinner, my mom and i got into an argument where i called her a selfish bitch,and she took my car keys. she made me fucking walk down the block and warned my sister not to give me a ride out.lame ass. whatever, so i walked down to sam's and then we went out to dinner. Later on Sam, Dan, Nix, Sanacore and I went in sam's hot tub around 11. it was amazingggggg. perfect temperature and everything. right dan? :)

i stayed until around 12:30, and then it happened.

i threw rocks at the window for about 10 minutes, not knowing that the back door to my house was open. i figured it wouldn't be open, because my mother is a nazi and likes to do ridiculous things like that.

long story short, i ended up getting kicked out for the night because she wanted to make dan walk all the way home at 1:00 in the morning. unacceptable. so i hungout with him until around 2ish, and then went to nix's to have an impromptu sleepover. we ended up talking and eating (because we're fat, duh) until 4, and then we slept. i was extremely comfortable, and really glad that my mom had kicked me out. nix and i chatted about a few important things that needed to be said and figured out or whatever. i'm gonna miss that girl so much next year.

nix, i love you so much. you have no idea what you have done for me for 8 years as a best friend- i consider you much closer than a family member. and, well, i'll save the rest for the yearbook.

well, it's off to finishing my marshmallow iced coffee and bagel, then hopping my grimey ass in the shower so i can get a friggin tan today.
call to hangout tonight. or leave a comment because you love me. or something.
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