Jan 02, 2005 14:29
Ten Great New Year's Resolutions
1. I will do my eating homework [ok, that made no sense. but they asked for "verb ending in ing"!!] as soon as I get home from school.
2. I will always be polite and speak threateningly to my parents.
3. I will always be black & white in class.
4. I will not throw paper idiots in class.
5. I will not talk or rock back and forth in class.
6. Every Saturday, I will clean up my room and put all my magicians and suspects away.
7. I will feed my pet armadillo and take him for walks without being reminded.
8. After every meal, I will clear the cups, plates, and paper cuts right away.
9. I will help my little brother with his math homework. I will not tell him that 1 + 1 = -11.9 and that 2 X 2 is 4 [hahahaha].
10. I will help my little sister with her social studies homework. I will not tell her that Karasville is the capital of Djibouti (sp?) or that your thrice-removed maternal grandmother's ex-butler was our first President.