I’m very close to becoming a meme whore (you’re nearly there,
amaterasu08 ;D)
The "Seven" Meme
A. Seven things to do before I die
1. Publish a book.
2. Walk the length of the Great Wall of China (the part that’s open to the public anyway)
3. Live in a different country (either temporarily or permanently, I want to experience living someplace whose cultures and customs differ from mine)
4. Visit and stay for a while in either Japan or Korea. (Can count for #3, but I want to try living in North America and Europe, too. Japan and Korea are just choices for my first stop in case I only manage to go once)
5. Speak Japanese. (I want to enjoy manga and anime in their native language ;))
6. Own a VW New Beetle (I still haven’t decided whether I want it cherry red or black)
7. Fall in love. (Yep, sap, cheese and fluff, that’s me ;D)
B. Seven things I cannot do
1. Plug anything electronic in sockets
2. Get over my fear of dogs (patting cute, little dogs on the head is okay, but beyond that, heck no!)
3. Go vegetarian.
4. Stop reading romance books, watching romantic comedies and the like.
5. Keep the room I share with Nechan clean and orderly.
6. Give up my love for bois lovin’ bois. ^_____________^
7. Watch Wowowee without going psycho bitch about the show, the people on it and what is represents. (I’ll stop now as I can feel the blood starting to rush to my head)
C. Seven things that attract(/ed) me to ...
1. BEBE: his sarcastic, cynical view of the world (even when he used said sarcasm to cut me real good during the two-year bebe-branded hell I went through)
2. XENON: her capacity to forgive me for the hell I put her through
3. IMPY: his sense of humor. Too bad it went with a larger than life ego. ::sigh::
4. JUDE LAW. Hello? Need I say more?
5. IDOL: his maturity and talent. (I’d sell my brother’s soul for half his!)
6. POTTER: siet. this one killed me. Funny. Badass. Black belt in karate. Cute. Great smile. Street-wise. 60% naughty, 40% nice.
7. DELA PAZ (he’s got a first name, but that’s what me and the rest of the mankind called him anyway): hormones. Not his, mine. He was like, my first major crush complete with phone calls and everything. There wasn’t anything very special about him, cute, sure, but he’s an utter ass. I was twelve and my excuse is puberty. ;)
D. Seven things I say most often
1. Siet
2. F***
3. Magtrtrabaho nko, I swear
4. Whatever, never mind
5. Inom tau!
6. Papapayat ako _________(insert time frame of the moment)
7. Adik!
E. Seven books (or series or genres or topics) that I love
1. Pastoral
2. The Blue Lawn
3. The Little Prince
4. Romances novels ;p
5. Undomestic Goddess
6. Eleven Minutes
7. Myths, fairy tales
F. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1. Clueless
2. The Little Mermaid
3. Cutting Edge
4. Be Cool
5. Roman Holiday
6. My Saasy Girl
7. Corpse Bride
G. Seven people I want to join in, too. (Well, me, just three since I’m pathetic and my lj life is pretty much non-existent ;))
amaterasu08 2.
Anyone else obsessed with Apollo 440's Stop the Rock? I've loved it since I first heard it about..7 years ago, in HS, but it wasn't until I watched 2007 Vistoria's Secret Fashion show that my obsession returned. I LOVE this song (the show, too). Just hearing it makes me go, dance, baby, MOVE, darling! It just gets my blood pumping. Another song that has a similar effect is Placebo's Bulletproof Cupid. Ooh, and Pedulum's Blood Sugar. I definitely see myself working out to these songs. Now if I can just work on turning those visions to reality... ^__^