Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2010 01:50

No funny subtitle. Don't feel like being clever right now, just earnest.

What can be said about 2009?

It sucked, that's what. It sucked herpetic ringtailed lemur dick. It sucked in a lot of ways, for a lot of people. A lot of great people died in 2009. The economy fell through the floor, and many were rendered destitute and even homeless.

My Stephanie was taken from me in 2009, and if you're reading this, then you or someone close to you has also lost someone. Death was a very strong theme for 2009, and frankly I think the director overwrought the whole thing. "Life is short"-CLANG down comes the anvil. I get it. Enough. Let me catch my breath.

I guess what I'm trying to say, in my inimitably curmudgeonly manner, is the following:

1) FUCK 2009. I'm glad it's dead.

2) Despite everything, I'm still here, and I'm still me. Once more the Universe fails to break me, so fuck It too.

3) I sincerely wish you all a safe and happy 2010. If you die on me I'm kicking your ass.
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