Why Was I Not Informed Sooner? (Or: 'Knobstalgia')

Jul 29, 2009 12:33

As a kid I loved the movie TRON. Its special effects were- for the times- mind-blowing, and the thought of being able to immerse myself completely into a video game really appealed. Still does, really.

It stands as one of Disney's best-loved outings, being lovingly parodied by The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken, as well as other less-successful spoofs done by people about whom I don't care.

Apparently, there is a new TRON movie coming out in 2010. It will of course be a massive SFX wank, but hey, that's kinda why we loved the original.

Here is a trailer. I must say, if this ends up having a plot to match all that expensive pretty, it'll be a damned good movie. (I will likely want to get a bit crispy and watch it in IMAX 3D.)

And if it turns out to just be a giant celluloid Baygasm of SFX I'll be most put out.

Speaking of sci-fi, though, District 9 looks pretty decent. And Peter Jackson put it together, so it can really only be so bad.
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