Why It's Dangerous to Listen to the Radio (Or: 'Niobe's Kiss')

Jul 01, 2009 11:29

William Congreve said 'Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.' This is very true.

Did you know that music hath also charms to shatter the heart within said savage breast?

This morning I awoke to Dream Come True, by the band Frozen Ghost. I love that song.

I NEVER want to hear it again. It was the song that best summed up how I felt about Stephanie, and it was the song to which we first officially danced as husband and wife.

Needless to say it got me weeping. HARD. Like, zero to little-bitch in .7 seconds flat.

But oddly enough, when I was done I felt better. As opposed to other times, when I've just wanted to bury myself in wet loam and slowly suffocate. Guess it was cathartic, which means I needed it, I suppose.

As I went for my morning walk I almost felt chipper. It all worked out for the best, one might say.

Still, it's a bit much to have to deal with before breakfast.
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