Jun 08, 2010 21:18
Real life had finally decided to back off and let me breathe so I can start posting again. It's about time.
First off, I have a psycho Shakespeare Teacher who does not understand that piling on an assload of work so close to prom and graduation is not acceptable. There was hair to do, last minute dress check overs, nails, limo, make up, and then more hair to do. Most of it was almost not accomplished due to that woman but I stayed chill and tried to relax the best I could. Praticed some dancing, fixed my iPod, did some freehand(none of which helped at all really).
But prom was awesome. Shook my tail all night long. Was disappointed when I found out that all the booze was saved for the after party I didnt get a chance to go to.
NIGHT LIMO DRIVER ALMOST FUCKED UP THE NIGHT. But we didn't let him get us down.
Hmm...preperation for my Elite Eighteenth is starting to pick up speed.
There was alot more, but i've forgotten it due. I'm blaming stress and tension headaches.