It's been ages since I've had to 'moderate' myself!

Dec 10, 2013 11:00

I wrote fic. I posted fic. It turns out I am not a pre-approved poster to Consci_fan_mo. Bwahahahah! Actually, it must be said that LJ has been very patchy about the moderation queue, repeatedly sending stuff my way even though I KNOW the authors should already have permission to post directly.


In Real Life:
My husband is 50 today. He is currently not at home, but is hoping to be.
I kind of want to tell him he'd be better staying at work as it looks like I'm going to be up to my knees in plumbers quite soon. We have a leak - I kept telling people I could smell damp when they came to fix our boiler/central heating system but, No, we had to wait till we actually had damp floorboards before anyone would raise it as an issue. It's taken 3 weeks for an inspection to get organised, but someone finally came this morning and it took him less than 30 seconds to deem it an emergency repair.

I went to London yesterday afternoon to listen to my brother sing and play piano (not at the same time) for a carol concert at St Margaret's, Westminster. He also conducted a couple of the carols. Conducting makes him nervous but also gives him a huge rush, so he thinks it's worth it. The choir was excellent and the congregation weren't bad either.
Only downside to the day was the train trip home. When I finally got to my station the door I tried to exit the train from didn't work and by the time I'd actually absorbed that it wasn't going to (it was late, I was tired) and walked to the next one down, the train was leaving the platform. Luckily the next stop wasn't too far, but I really could have done without the added excitement'.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment at either place.

real life, consci_fan_mo

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