Aug 23, 2013 20:23
In the FINAL throes of bag packing.
Came downstairs to pick up my brand new, never been opened, even though I bought it six months ago - because I bought it to READ on the PLANE - copy of Good Omens. It's been living on the dining room table. I've walked past it umpteen times a day for MONTHS. It's... not... there!
Uncle Stephen Fry on QI says if we name the thing we're looking for it helps us find it. Honest to god, I can think of a few choice names for it, right now.
If you hear me praying to St Anthony, you'll know I'm getting desperate.
Found :D
It was on the bookcase in the living room - the one my son used for school books and I never put reading books on.
are we nearly there yet?? usa 2013