Mostly sewing

Oct 04, 2011 10:36

My pre-con Discworld t-shirt arrived about a fortnight ago now (hubby very kindly ordered it for me a while back).

Which made me realise that if I want to make my own corset for next year then I really should get a shift on and get some practise in. *inserts flashback* A week or so ago my daughter and I attended a bead making workshop at a local 'sewing lounge'. It was easy peasy stuff involving strips of fabric, cocktail sticks and PVA glue, but we had Fun. Then, over tea and cakes we were chatting to the people who run the place and I said that I really wished they ran overlocker and corset making classes (because it was on my mind what with the t-shirt arriving and all) and Kat - the owner - said she was planning on running a corset making workshop but hadn't figured out the technicalities of it yet, and that I was welcome to attend in normal lesson times and that they would help me with fitting - which OMG I KNOW I'll need as I am 2 sizes smaller below the waist than above as I have absolutely NO arse - and suchlike, plus I could be their guinea pig as a newbie corset maker who has 'questions' *g*. So in an attempt to get organised, I've spent the last week looking at incredibly pretty things online and 'off', and the last 2 days making a muslin - that's the first draft, as it were, of the finished item so it can be altered till it fits.

This is what it looks like, currently:

Not particularly impressive, but hopefully it will look more corset like after I've boned it - which is my next job for this morning.

Because I haven't really been reading I don't know how much everyone is writing, or not. So my question is: Do we want Consci_fan_mo this year? I know I was a truly awful mod last year and didn't even manage to get full lists up in the end, but I really don't see that being a problem this year.

question, sewing, fannish, conscifanmo, discworld 2012

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