Public post

Jun 18, 2010 15:02

Daughter should be flying over my head right about now - her flight was delayed by half an hour from 14:30 to 15:00. *waves loudly*

I'd already organised myself (before yesterday) to drop middle son at the railway station so I could have the car in order to go up and say a rapid goodbye (the airport is not much more than a 20 minute drive away) which was lucky, because she'd left a couple of things behind. So youngest child and I trundled up to the airport, sat and had coffees with daughter and her boyfriend, then came home via my mother's house - to doublecheck it was as locked up as I thought it was and make some phone calls.

House is locked, phone calls were a bust (but see my locked post) and now I home.

The sofa is looking really inviting right now, but I think I'd better just ring my sister first, and make sure she's okay.


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