Very Big Grin

Jun 09, 2010 20:43

I've just spent a most excellent afternoon wandering around my home city with jadesfire2808, with particular emphasis on the fabric shops. It must say it was lovely to browse the yarns, fabrics and other crafting goodies without a time limit. I don't get much chance to do that when I am in town any more. I'm always in there for a *reason* - shoe shopping for a child/dentist appointment/urgent underwear buying, that kind of stuff, and this was far more fun than those. *bounces gently on slightly sore feet*

And I'm totally not going to mention the fact that one of the shops we were in had hung some fabric upside down in one of their displays, or that I felt compelled to mention it... I will, however, say that Jades was not with me at that point, but in a comletely different shop on the other side of the road, and so escaped being seen with the crazy lady complaining about the Union Flag being up the wrong way.


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