
May 25, 2009 16:53

Yes I know it is only Monday but it is a Bank Holiday over here - so of course it is raining and I am stuck indoors.

RULES: Comment and I'll LJ stalk you to find THREE FANDOMS you apparently love. And then you answer these questions about them!

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

kethni gave me:

1) Discworld
2) Highlander (the tv series)
3) Dr Who


01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Kethni did - raving about the books in IM. As far a as I recall Kethni and our other friend Chin ganged up on me - they were very good at ganging up on me - they are also the reason I ended up writing porn and reading Dalziel and Pascoe novels :D

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
STAY - it is my fandom for life - I've even 'turned' my parents-in-law, to the extent that they now own more of the books than I do! (I depend on my local library for the most part.)

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
The Guards books, closely followed by the Witches.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
I'm not a member of an online community or anything like one. I have written a couple of Disc based drabbles though - and lurking on the edge of my consciousness right now is a Discworld/Who Universe just itching to be *ahem* woven into existence (sorry, that's like plugging my own fic) and I've made the odd icon, or two, for people.
I do go to real life Cons - I can say that now because I am fully intent on going to 2010 *VBG*

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes! There should be far more people in this fandom - us sane crazies need to stick together :D

2) Highlander
I'll qualify this one by adding 'the tv series'

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?

Once upon a time (bear with me) there was a young mum and her husband who both *loved* Star Trek (No seriously, stick around, this is RELEVENT). One day they managed to save enough to go on a small holiday with their three children. This meant that they would miss their favourite their favourite tv show, WOE! To their rescue rode a knight in shining amour- Fine a fellow trucker friend of husband's with his VIDEO recorder - to tape the brand new and shiny episode of Next Generation for them (for this was the early 90s). And lo, they returned from their holiday and after a few days the husband remembered to bring home the tape and his wife repaid his kindness by watching it without him (Oh the shame!) And, as the credits rolled she dozed off and woke, a moment later, to two guys having it out with swords in a crypt - and then a body falling down wha tlooked like a well and there came forth a full scale lightning show from the tiny tv on the dressing table. (The final Cahill/MacLeod fight scene of Avenging Angel - guest starring Martin Kemp.) I'm not actually sure I'd even seen the original movie at the time... And I thought, Oooh swords! and that bloke that still has head on ain't bad either. The rest, as they say, is history.

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
Did you not see my pictures of Tioram Castle?? Stay - aeron_lanart keeps me very nicely Methos-ed up (thank you darling).

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
I'm not that big a fan of the movies. Er favourite episodes: Any Methos centric episode - 'Methos', 'Timeless' and 'Comes a Horseman' and its ending. I also really like 'Studies in Light', and the Xavier St Cloud eps.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
Oddly, no, not really. If I spot someone I'm reading in a different fandom has written Highlander/is actively writing Highlander now I will jump on it like a shot but when I've gone out and actively looked? Things have tended to fall short of what I was wanting. *is sad*.

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes, if only so I can have more to read ;-)

3) Dr Who

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
My friend Yvette Purnell's grandad. He was crazy about it - it would have been 1973(?) so I would have been about eight. She and I *actually* used to hide behind her grandparent's sofa!

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
Now there's a tricky one. If the writing doesn't pick up I can see I am going to have a *serious* falling out with the show itself . That said? There's years of Classic Who to fall back on, not to mention the canon from the novels that I am only dimly aware of and the Big Finish/other audio canon for me to go and investigate. So I doubt I'll be leaving any time soon.

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Uh that could be a huge list - let me try and shorten it for you:
The whole of the first season of New Who - excluding Father's Day.
Anything with Cybermen in it.
'Survival' if only for the Cat People. (Sorry Kel I know they freak you out).
'Battlefield' - fine it has Cybemen it - it also has Jean Marsh, acting her socks off and having a whale (wail?) of a good time, and King Athur mythology and, Ace, and Jean Marsh, and UNIT, and Merlin! Did I mention Jean Marsh? PLUS it was the first Who any of my children ever saw so it gets extra bonus points for that.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
Am I breathing? Yes, I do all those things. Though discussions are mostly limited to my friends and friends of friends pages - everywhere else tends to get a bit heated - or uh disintegrates into wank far too quickly.

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
If they are getting involved for the right reasons, yes. If they are here for OMG I love that actor, he is so dreamy, my crush is bigger than yours? NO. those people can STFU and leave me alone in my sandbox!

meme, highlander, discworld, new who

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