24 hours and counting...

Jan 04, 2009 18:56

I ADORE my f-list - you are all so magnificent a cutting your "Eleven" posts!

And you know who else I love? Paddy O'Connell, who, during the Radio 4 news round-up thing, turned to his next guest reviewer and said, "And you've been looking at Doctor Who," so I had time to hit the mute button on my car radio :D

I do realise I haven't got a cat in hell's chance of lasting to the end of the week but... once I've had time to adjust to the fact that he's young (this is just about all I do know) then I think I'll be okay.

Young is *so* not what I wanted. I wanted... nay, *needed* a grown-up. I am actually aware one doesn't, necessarily, preclude the other - that's kind of dependant on the writing and (as we all know) I don't trust the writer's all that much...

fandom, new who

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