Sep 28, 2004 18:06
TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY EVER OF XC IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! i didnt win the knight contest and i was a little disappointed but HELL WITH THAT!!!!XC WAS GREAT TODAY!!! Me and Katelyn were late b/c we had to go see MR. Perkins cause he was going to show us how to apply for some art schools and build a correct portfolio.. so we didnt get there until 3:30 as we handed Mr.Yokosh a soaking wet slip that you could barely read as a pass lol. so we ran up to the school, around and then back, did some striders, and then another lap back to the gym and we were done (pre-meet).. the coaches gave a speech and then we all(all = half xc team) stood up, took off all our shoes and SPRINTED UP TO THE SCHOOL BAREFOOT SOAKING WET AND DOVE SKIDDING HEAD AND ARMS FIRST INTO A 2 FOOT PUDDLE THE SIZE OF LITERALLY A LAKE ON THE SOCCER FIELD!!!! IT WAS WONDERFUL!.. we were COMPLETELY SUBMERGED IN IT! mr. yokosh took pictures with his digi so ill post them if i ever see them =) THAT was probably the most fun i've EVER had at my school with my friends.. EVER! later on, after we were DRIPPING WET.. (i swear to you all.. it was not possible to become more wet than we were.. NOT POSSIBLE).. we were forced to go home before we all got sick before the meet tomarrow... pulled one last capoeira move on tanya as she collapsed in 1 of 4 other puddles that were the size of literally a lake (each atleast 2 ft. deep)=). ... I bet YOURRRRR cross country team doesn't do THAT! ha!!! MPS XC team aka= MPS Swim team ^_^ this day could not have gone ANY better=)