I thought I'd do some profiles on myself and my friends from my year in high school. They're all boys and I'm the only girl among that lot, but here we go!!!
Name: Kris Gray
Age: 17
Position in group: Voice of Sanity
Reason: Kris here by far and away is the more normal member of our group. Whenever our converations go 10km over the line that's when Kris steps in to drag us back to a resonable level.
Name: Scott Cameron (2nd from the left as we see it)
Age: 16/17
Position in Group: Quiet and normal
Reason: Like Kris, Scott is one of the normal ones of the group, but remains quiet for most of the time.
Name: Graham MacDougal (End right as we see it)
Age: 16
Position in Group: Politically Demented
Reason: Graham has the most knowledge out of us when it comes to politics. He knows almost everything about British politics, yet he is probably the 2nd most demented/twisted out of us.
Name: Harman Serai
Age: 16
position in Group: Openly Demented
Reason: Harman is, by a whole width of a country, the most demented/twisted out of all of us, and he doesn't mind admiting it. He's the youngest, AND HAS A BEARD!!!!
Names: Daniel Copeland (Left as we see it) & Cal Booker (Right as we see it)
Ages: 17 and 16/17 respectively
Positions in Group: Smart yet demented & army freak respectively
Reasons: Daniel is the most intelligent out of us, yet he doesn't mind joining our levels of conversations. Cal is about to join the infantry and since he told us we have all said to him "ARE YOU MAD?! THE PAY ISN'T GOOD!!!" So we don't mind him getting shot at, but we do mind how much he gets paid? Aren't we supportive.
Name: Stephen Morrison
Age: 16/17
position in Group: Sci-fi geek
Reason: As you can tell by his T-shirt, Stephen is our resident Sci-fi geek. Like me, his is an avid manga reader and anime watcher, but our tastes in them our different. He likes Naruto and anything related to it, along with other stuff, but he is fairly obssesed with Naruto at the current time.
Name: Shona Crayton (Obviously on the left, or simply: that's ME!!)
Age: 17
Position in Group: The Silently Demeneted One.
Reason: I, according to the boys, am the most quiet of the group, but that's because they really don't want to know what's going on inside my head. I am sightly obssesed with vampires, but not uber mad...OK so I play a vampire RolePlay game on the internet so what? They put up with it anyway. I am the oldest, but I'm the smallest, and they love reminding me about it, but they know better than that to remind a short peron that they're short, or heads will roll.
Well, that is myself and my friends only yesterday when we saw the Star Trek movie, which was FANTASTIC!!! We may decide to make these cinema trips monthly now because we enjoy doing it so much. Thank you for reading, and to my internet friends, apart from Heather (Zarenicka) you now know what I look like. So, Byeee!
Shona xxxx
P.S. Please comment and say what you think of me and my friends.