A Puddle Jumper Named Desire (Chapter 8)

Feb 04, 2006 00:17

Title: A Puddle Jumper Named Desire
Rating: R
Category: Humor
Summary: Rodney's got a thing for blondes.


Rodney stood outside John's quarters, nervously pacing back and forth as he rehearsed what he would say to the man. When the doors opened to reveal Sheppard standing there, arms folded over his chest and glaring, Rodney smiled and held out the jar he had in his hands. "A peace offering."

John glanced at the jar, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What is it?"

"Proof that I'm not after you for the color of your hair." When John still hadn't reached for the jar Rodney huffed impatiently and pushed passed him into John's quarters. "I had Zelenka help me, I'm not sure if we managed to get an exact match but it should be close enough that you won't notice much of a difference."

"McKay," John waved his hand in a 'get on with it' way and Rodney nodded.

"It's hair dye."

John's eyes widened. "Really?" He stepped towards Rodney, reverently taking the jar from his hands.

"We tested it on the hair Carson took from you yesterday. It came pretty close to what we thought was your natural color and it didn't-you know, hurt the hair or anything so we figure it should work."

"What do I do?"

"You should probably let me-" At John's incredulous look Rodney rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to try and get in your pants-promise."

John placed the jar on the table, "Why are you doing this?"

"I told you-"

"To prove you're not after me for the color of my hair-you said that yes, but-"

"But what?"

"You never mentioned being interested in me before-"

"Oh please, what was I supposed to say? Hey, Major, I think you're hot, wanna have sex?"

"Isn't that what you said to me last night?" John raised an eyebrow, fighting the smirk tugging at his lips.

"That's beside the point."

"Beside the point?"

"I claim temporary insanity-" Rodney replied as he began to pace.

"So you didn't mean-"

"Oh no, I meant it-all of it-I just mean I'd never have propositioned you...the blonde made me-" He waved his hand absently, trying to find the right words.

"Temporarily insane?"

"Exactly." He pointed towards John, nodding as he resumed his pacing.

"You know, you're really not winning me over here."

"Look can we just get on to the dying? Cause I'd kind of like to leave with what's left of my dignity and our friendship," Rodney pleaded.

"So what you're saying is you don't want to have sex with me now-so it really is all about the hair."

"Don't be ridiculous! I'd sleep with you in a heartbeat," Rodney snapped impatiently.

"Even if I didn't have blonde hair?"

"Have you not been listening to me at all? Didn't I say I wanted to sleep with you before your hair was blonde?"

"Just checking." John grinned as he stepped towards Rodney, snagging the collar of his shirt and dragging him into a quick kiss. Rodney stood speechless, mouth opened, eyes wide. John chuckled, shaking his head. "You mean all I had to do to shut you up was kiss you? If I'd have known that I would have done it months ago." Not waiting for Rodney's response, John leaned in and kissed him again, grinning against Rodney's mouth as his hands wrapped around John's waist.

When they broke apart for much needed air Rodney blinked, staring at John. "What are you doing?"

"I thought that was kind of obvious." John smirked.

"Uh-what about-" Rodney's eyes flicked up towards John's hair.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be blonde for a few more hours-after all, I hear they do have more fun."

Rodney's eyes lit up and he hummed happily before pulling John into another kiss as he backed them towards the bed. "Oh believe me," he murmured against John's mouth, "you have no idea."

sga, fanfic

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