Dec 21, 2007 20:37
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
A/N: After I posted Passion Gap, this came to me while walking to work. So I thought, what the heck, I’ll post it. Unbeta’d.
Grissom’s eyes begin to focus again as he slowly and reluctantly returns from the images playing in his head, to be confronted with the very real image of Sara looking directly at him. She has turned her head, and now her left cheek is resting on her knees. Grissom clears his throat, shifts in his chair and returns to his crossword puzzle.
Since Sara woke up this afternoon, she's been feeling strange. Just a few minutes ago she suddenly realized what this feeling was. She had that heavy, languid feeling one feels the morning after great sex. Despite what her colleagues think about her general lack of diversions and “a life”, she did have a reasonable sex life (reasonable, that is for a single workaholic on the night shift). Of course never with anybody remotely associated with law enforcement or her job. She learned her lesson with Hank. The peculiarity of her feelings this evening were that she did not have great sex last night. In fact she did not have any sex in the last couple of weeks.
She takes a sip of her coffee and turns her head to the right, resting her cheek on her knees. Grissom is sitting at the table looking at her, but apparently not really seeing her, because he doesn’t look away. Grissom. She smiles to herself. She wonders what it would be like to wake up next to his naked body the morning after a night of great sex. And make no mistake, it WILL be great sex. What would it feel like to lie with their legs entwined, facing each other while she slowly slides her hand down his smooth chest, to his stomach and beyond? Would he mind when she takes a detour from planting wet kisses on his neck to slide her tongue into the cleft of his chin before kissing him deeply on the mouth despite her morning breath? Would he keep his eyes open when she straddles him and use her hands to brace herself on his chest as she slowly lowers herself onto him?
But mostly she wonders whether he will ever give her the opportunity to find out.