Sep 18, 2014 02:42
On a whim, I figured I should log in and see what's what. I even had some sort of draft post or response in the transporter room buffer for all these years. Here's what the machine remembered:
This is a lot like my current program except that it's largely the other way around... We use phenomenological pendulums, hermeneutic (and historical) hammers, and post-colonial crowbars to turn the subaltern screws into epistemology and beat it into the withered husk of a leviathan it once was. Peep into Gould Hall some day... it's nothing but an in-the-round arena for byzantine intellectual bloodsport. It's like a combination of Mad Max post-apocalyptic mayhem combined with the thrill of Rollerball (the James Caan version, of course). Phear, filthy positivists!